Monday, February 25, 2008

Glad I'm not religious

I'm so glad I'm not religious. Because if I was, there'd be a massive temptation to get power and praise from nice gullible chapel-goers over Wales. There are chapels crying out for ministers and a "nice young man" always goes down well. It could be so much fun getting to be a preacher man, spouting crap from the pulpit, with the right religious words and phrases to elicit "Amen"s from the congregation...
But I'm not like that. Firstly, I wouldn't be able to stomach the empty religiosity; and secondly, I'm above hipocrisy like that...


Steve Collis said...

Hey Tomos,

Nice to see you're blogging again although I supposed you're not since this is from February. Well, get your arse into gear and blog some more.

Anyway about what you say, I know that I too would make a popular minister, and therein lies my fear, because I would be so very, very aware of exactly what I'm doing to be popular/motivational/inspiring etc... it's just like the recipe for a cake and I happen to know the recipe. I always intended to go off to bible college in the old days and go into the ministry, but this intention became more and more distant. My instinct now with fellow Christians is always, always to play devil's advocate (awful expression!!) and poke them at their rawest nerve... try to point out the weak spots of their faith, the inconsistencies, verily the absurdities... this isn't a very nice thing to do... certainly not the key characteristic of an edifying minister. My faith feels quite absurd and I can't relate very well to people whose faith does not. It is only that departing from my faith seems even more absurd, that I stick to it.

I'll tell you what, though, whoever God is, he is entirely beyond anyone's mental conception of him.

The power thing too... I agree entirely. Beware of power. Frodo, don't wear the ring! It's like politicians - I don't relate at all, how can they be so sure about decisions and policies that will affect so many.

Beyond all that, I find it very easy to ellicit praise from anyone... they don't need to be chapel-goers. It is so easy that it lacks potency now, although I suppose I'd miss it (not too much, mind you) if it were gone.

I am very skeptical when I hear/see a charismatic preacher. Let your soul fall into their strong hands... like sirens.

Steve Collis said...

Oh, in addition - check out Chris Summerfield's blog at

(oh check mine out too -

Chris is an absolute delight. He's like you or me, but BETTER. lol.