Tuesday, November 4, 2008

The Inevitable American Election Post...

Tonight the USA is voting for the next Leader of the Free World. Whoever wins, I hope he does a better job than the last one. I hope he travels far and wide, and gives the rest of us a break. Personally, I hope Obama wins it, as do most Europeans. McCain seems like too much of the same thing again, foreign policy-wise, which is what affects us. But it's not as simple as that. Americans don't all look at their leaders from a foreigner's perspective (heck, why should they?) and domestic policy probably takes precedence, so McCain is more credible than we expect him to be here in the Old World.
Many Christians are going to vote McCain today, mainly on the basis that he is pro-life as opposed to Obama's pro-choice stance. Us British pinko heretic would argue that there is more to politics than the abortion issue, but the Church in the States seems to me to believe this is important enough to decide who governs the country. My problem with the Republican Party in the US is that it holds out the anti-abortion carrot and millions of Christians follow. I was accused by an American voter today of being trite by saying that, and it probably is, but I wonder if McCain would be more "righteous" than Obama. It seems that Obama is actually a churchgoer (though liberal) whereas McCain is not. And so many other issues.
I'm not American, I don't have a vote, and I'm not pretending otherwise. But it would be refreshing to see an Afro-American in the Whitehouse, and to see a President of the USA who gives a monkey's about the outside world.

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