Wednesday, September 19, 2007


"I like your Christ, I do not like your Christians. Your Christians are so unlike your Christ." - Mohandas K Ghandi
Interestingly enough, I have mellowed quite a bit since I had the intention of writing about Christians, but- though the spirit is more benevolent- the criticisms still stand.
My problem is that Christians seem to deny their creed and their belief in a life-changing God by being so... well, Unchristian!
Ultimately, it is they (correction: we) who put me off the system known as Christianity. It's our hypocrisy- the gaping abyss between our beliefs and our practice; our selfishness- our complete inability to see others' needs; our religiosity- our little obsessions with silly rituals and rites which have nothing at all to do with Jesus of Nazareth; and our self-righteousness- our sick tendency to look down on others without seeing how filthy we ourselves are. There are many other traits too, but I would wind myself up into a frenzy...!
Now, I know what the response is to this: "We're saved by Grace...none of us are perfect...let he who is without fault...". Granted, we will not attain perfection in this life, but surely the Church is meant to be an outpost of heaven, a community of God's people, and surely we believe in a God that transforms lives into being more like Jesus, not more religious or self-righteous. I always liked the quote on the "Jesus Freak" album (DC Talk) about Christians confessing Christ with their lips and then denying Him with their lives. And I echo the sentiment that that is what an unbelieving world simply finds unbelievable.
But I continue to seek Jesus...

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